higheel1.txt Highheel Boot Camp Chapter 1 Lovely Evangeline Tate stolled down the dirt path which led between rows of tall, stately cedars. Evangeline was in a dreamy mood. A soft smile played across her full, red lips, and her hazel eyes looked cloudy. Evangeline was a beautiful young woman of nineteen. Her golden hair was pulled back and tied in a pony tail. Her oval face had a peaches and cream complexion. She had a small, shapely nose and a vivacious smile. She wore a modest pink blouse with a high collar and a tweed skirt which came right down to her knees. But even this conservative atire could not conceal the fact that Evangeline had a full, voluptous figure. The high, thrusting jugs of her breasts strained against her blouse. You could see that she had long, very shapely legs. Evangeline was enthralled by her beautiful surroundings. The cedars, the grass, the gardens and the forest which spread out on all sides, were delightful to her. Evangeline was a city girl and she had just arrived at St. Mary's College. Evangeline was considering transferring to the school, because she was dissatisfied with the Madagaskilla County College, which she now attended. The academic standards were poor and many of the students were rough and coarse and she did not like them in the least. Evangeline's best friend, Roberta Sanderson, was enrolled at St. Mary's, and had written Evangeline glowing reports about the college. So, on her Thanksgiving break, Evangeline had driven up to St. Mary's to visit her friend and check out the campus. Roberta still had a few classes before her Thanksgiving break began, and Evangeline had taken the opportunity to stroll around the wooded area outside the campus. That evening, Evangeline planned to have dinner with Roberta and Roberta's fiance, Tommy Woods, whom she had yet to meet. St. Mary's was like a little cultural oasis in the wilderness. The closest town, Amber Springs, was two miles west. To the north, east and south, wood lands seemed to go on forever. Evangeline suddenly noticed that she had strayed away from the path and was wandering into the depths of the forest. For some reason, she felt suddenly uneasy, and turning, began to retrace her steps. Evangeline suddenly heard a crackling sound to her right, the sound of feet crunching on leaves and twigs. She shivered a little, looking around nervously as she began to walk faster. A rabbit darted across her path, and Evangeline gave a shaky laugh of relief. She was just about to give a big sigh of relief when suddenly, a shadow fell across her as something stepped between her and the sun. It was a man. Evangeline stared at him for a long moment, not quite able to register what the stranger looked like. The first thing she realized was that he was one of the hugest individuals Evangeline had ever laid eyes on. The next thing that struck her was that he was very oddly dressed... The man was six feet four inches tall, and extremely well built. He was shirtless. Black leather pants clung to his hugely muscled legs and bulged obscenely at the crotch. He had a thick belt around his waist, and in that belt were tucked a knife in a hilt, lengths of rope, a pair of hand-cuffs and other sundry things. He also had a black mask on. A mask that covered his entire head. There were slits in the mask for his eyes, nose and mouth. She could see the hot gleam of his eyes through those slits. Eyes that seemed to burn with an unnatural light, searing into her, cutting right into her very soul, making her freeze. The man had a thick neck, connecting with broad, bull-like shoulders. His arms were huge, with biceps like melons sliced in half. His hands were thick as hams. The wrists were circled by thick leather bands covered with metal studs. His pecs were massive mounds of overdeveloped muscle, framed by flaring lats, tapering dramatically at the waist. His torso was very smooth, and deeply bronzed by the sun. "Hi there!" a deep voice boomed from behind the mask. "Uh, uh, h-hello!" Evangeline managed to gasp hoarsely. Evangeline automatically started to back away from him, a wild flurry of fear tearing through her. "Taking a walk?" the man demanded, striding towards her. "Y-yes!" Evangeline stammered. "But I've ...I've got to rejoin my friends, if you'll please excuse me..." "What's the hurry?" the man snarled, and his huge hand clamped around Evangeline's slender wrist. The masked man roughly jerked her against his body, and Evangeline felt something snap inside of her mind. She started to scream hysterically, trying to break his grip on her wrist. "Shut up, you fuckin' CUNT!" the man snarled loudly. He swung his free arm hard and fast and there were two loud sounds as he slapped Evangeline, hard, back and forth across the face. Evangeline's pretty face jerked violenty from side to side. Pain strung through her checks and she saw stars as tears filled her eyes. Abruptly she stopped screaming. Swiftly, the man dragged Evangeline's arm behind her back, twisting it painfully. He leaned forward and stuffed a wadded handkerchief into her mouth. Before Evangeline could react to this, he pulled a long strap of leather around her face, buckling it tightly at the back of her head, holding the gag in place. Evangeline began to struggle and moan feebly, her blue eyes rolling with horror. "Yeah, you fuckin' slut! You ain't gonna scream anymore, that's for sure!" the man chuckled evilly. Evangeline felt him snap cuffs around her wrists, locking her hands behind her back. The brawny brute grunted, swinging her around to face him. Again, she saw the maniacal gleam of his eyes behind those slits. And briefly, she saw the huge bulge in the front of his tight leather pants... Evangeline felt as though she had plunged suddenly into an awful nightmare. Everything seemed unnatural, unreal. Time seemed to slow down.She was shivering uncontrollably.. The hulking brute stooped down and heaved her into the air, slinging the blond girl over his broad shoulder. Swiftly, the masked man strode through the woods, his hiking boots crackling on the twigs and leaves. He plunged straight into the depths of the forest, walking very fast. Branches slapped and scratched Evangeline's face, arms and legs, tearing at her blouse. She moaned, terror clinging with icy fingers to her heart as she was carried deeper and deeper into the woods... Herman Shankley was panting with savage, animalistic excitement. Raw lust coursed through his huge, muscular body as he carried his prey back to his lair... Yeah, it had been a real good idea to go to his uncle's shack in the woods... Herman Shankley was a convict. Thirty-four years old, he was a huge savage who had been thrown in the clinker for at least twenty years for committing a series of brutal rapes two years earlier. Unfortunately, the walls of Sinborne Prison had not been high enough to keep Herman Shankley in custody. After killing two guards with his bare hands, Herman Shankley made a successful escape, and had swiftly made his way to his uncle's home upstate. He had holed up there for a while and then, taking his uncle's car, had driven west to a cabin he knew his uncle used when he went hunting in the summer. Here, Herman made his home. He planned to hide out there for a while, until the excitement over his escape died down. Herman discovered soon after his arrival that the cabin was located less than two miles from the ground of St. Mary's, a college for women. And today, Herman had decided that a sexy girl student was just the ticket to alleviate the boredom of being a recluse. All of the insane, savage desires which had led to the series of crimes for which he been incarcerated came surging to the surface of Herman's mind the first time he "cased the joint," and watched all those lovely lasses strolling around campus. Getting into the bizarre costume which filled him with a sense of power and anonymity, Herman had gone to the woods on the outskirts of the college grounds, in hopes that one of those succulent wenches would inadvertantly stroll into his clutches. Poor Evangeline Tate had walked right into Hermans trap... Herman carried the blonde girl through the woods to the secluded area by a stream where the cabin was located. He kicked open the door and strode inside. He slung Evangeline down on the floor and shut the door, drawing the latch. Herman had cleared out the interior of the cabin, except for a cot. He had set up a bunch of bizarre looking contraptions, made of wood, rubber, leather and metal. These contraptions were instruments of torture and restraint. Herman Shankley was a sadistic brute who enjoyed making his female victims suffer pain and humiliation. Now Herman squatted down next to Evangeline, who lay on her side, making muffled whimpers, staring at him with enormous, frightened hazel eyes. "Yeah, bitch!" Herman snarled. "You just be good and don't try nothing, see? I'm gonna be your lord and master from now on, cunt!" "You're gonna be my fuck slave! You're gonna be my slut toy! Got it?" He reached down and drew a razor sharp bowie knife from the sheath in his belt. Evangeline shuddered in horror as she stared at the knife, shivering like a leaf. Slowly, Herman leaned forward, laying the cold blade agaist her cheek. "You try anyting, slut, and I'll slice you to ribbons!" he hissed in a voice which left no doubt in her mind that this maniac would be true to his word. Herman drew the knife down to her blouse, sliding it between her skin and the article of clothing. He slowly sliced her blouse right off her body. Evangeline shuddered and sobbed as the masked brute cut her clothes off. He sliced off her skirt and panties, her blouse and then her bra, letting her large snowy breasts spill from their confinement. Now she was naked... The dusty sunlight which filtered in through the filthy windows glinted on the blonde girl's supple figure. Her big, strawberyy colored nipples quivered erotically in the air. Herman growled hungrily as he pawed them, crushing her young breasts in his huge, powerful hands. He twisted and wrenched at them viciously, digging his fingers into her tits till the white flesh oozed between his knuckles. Evangeline winced as pain shot through her mangled breasts, and the tears began to roll down her cheeks. To her shock, she found that her nipples were burning and growing steadily erect as her kidnapper pinched and twisted at them like radio dials. Herman sat up, panting thickly, his eyes darting down to her pussy. A fringe of blonde hairs crested the peak of Evangeline's mons. Herman grunted in disgust, rising and striding to the sink. He filled a ceramic bowl with hot water, and returned to where the naked girl lay, carrying the bowl of steamy water, a bar of soap and a straight razor. "I'm gonna shave your snatch clean, bitch!" he announced. He soaped up her snatch, pausing to pump three fingers inside, sending sharp stabs of pain and reluctant pleasure tearing through her puffy pink pussy. Then, using the razor, he carefully shaved Evangeline's cunt till it was as smooth and silky as a baby's. "That's better, slut!" Herman grunted with satisfaction. He grabbed her pony-tail and roughly hauled on it. "Stand up!" Evangeline winced in pain as he jerked her hair, and she scrambled to her feet. "Get your ass over there!" Herman snarled, roughly shoving her towards a contraption in the corner of the room. This contraption consisted of a long rectantuglar wooden box with thick leather straps attached to it. Between the straps, a square of iron was attached to the wood block. Attached to this iron square was a curl of metal with a sharp end, and a length of hollow piping connected to this iron curl. Roughly, Herman dragged Evangeline over to this block. He forced her to sit on top of it with her knees spread wide apart. Evangeline gave a muffled cry as the sharp curl of metal pressed painfully against her rounded, creamy buttocks. Swiftly, Herman pulled the leather straps tautly over her legs close to the thigh. He pulled the straps through buckles and belted them. The straps cut cruelly into Evangeline's tender flesh, pulling her ass down hard on the sharp, unpturned curl of metal. Evangeline sobbed wildly as pain cut through her tender buttocks. The iron square pressed agianst her belly and thighs, framing the moist pink "V" of her wet shaved pussy. Herman grinned at her diabolically from behind his mask. He strode over to the sink and took up a length of hose, connecting one end of it to the hot water faucet. Taking the other end of the hose, he attached it to the length of pipe. Slowly, sadistically, the muscular rapist turned on the hot water tap. Water gushed through the hose and pipe, spraying full force onto Evangeline's silky, puffy cunt. The water was for a moment rather soothing, for it was warm. But it rapidly, grew hotter and hotter, and Evangeline began to squirm and gurgle behind her gag, her eyes rolling wildly as pain started to scald her forcibly spread pussy. Evangeline's blue eyes bulged, and she started shrieking through the gag as the water turned piping hot. It gushed and gushed, spraying full force against her tender snatch, scalding it, sending white hot agony ripping all through her helpless, naked body. The pain blistered her senses. She was screaming and screaming in sheer agony, her vision clouding, her mind dimming as everything dissolved into a wild sea of almost erotic sensation. The scalding water seared her tender pussy flesh, and her labia blistered and bloated, growing redder and redder, puffier and puffier, as pain ripped her senses. "Feel it, bitch!" Herman Shankly hissed hoarsely, rubbing the lump in the front of his leather pants feverishly. "Yeah! Feel the heat! Feel the heat of my power, cunt! I'll burn your pussy good, slut!" Evangeline was twisting and heaving violently on the wood block, hysterically trying to tear herself away from the sheer agony which pulsed between her legs. But her action only added to her pain, making the curl of metal tear and cut into the tender flesh of her ass...